Perlindungan Hukum Terhadap Pemegang Saham pada Proses Likuidasi Perseroan Terbatas ( Studi Kasus : Putusan Pengadilan Negeri Jakarta Pusat Nomor : 76/Pdt.P/2021/Pn Jkt.Pst )


  • Bryan Yoppi Triatama Universitas Trunojoyo Madura
  • Moch. Hilal Rusydi Al Fiter Universitas Trunojoyo Madura
  • Sumriyah Sumriyah Universitas Trunojoyo Madura



Board of Directors, Dissolution, Shareholders, Legal Protection, Limited Liability Company.


This article discusses the role of directors in the dissolution of a Limited Liability Company and the legal remedies taken by shareholders to protect their rights in the dissolution of a Limited Liability Company. The business activities of a Limited Liability Company do not always run in accordance with the objectives, sometimes the Company will face obstacles that cause the dissolution of the Limited Liability Company. With the dissolution of the Company, in this case the shareholders should get a legal protection both preventive and repressive. This research uses normative legal research with a statutory approach and a case approach through a decision study. The legal sources used are primary and secondary legal sources. Based on the results of the research, the Board of Directors of a Limited Liability Company in the process of dissolving the Company can act as a liquidator. Limited Liability Companies undergoing dissolution must pay attention to the rights and legal protection of shareholders.


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How to Cite

Bryan Yoppi Triatama, Moch. Hilal Rusydi Al Fiter, & Sumriyah Sumriyah. (2023). Perlindungan Hukum Terhadap Pemegang Saham pada Proses Likuidasi Perseroan Terbatas ( Studi Kasus : Putusan Pengadilan Negeri Jakarta Pusat Nomor : 76/Pdt.P/2021/Pn Jkt.Pst ). Jurnal Riset Rumpun Ilmu Sosial, Politik Dan Humaniora, 2(2), 158–177.

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