
  • Rosyid Al Hakim IPB University
  • Esa Rinjani Cantika Putri Universitas Jenderal Soedirman
  • Hexa Apriliana Hidayah Universitas Jenderal Soedirman
  • Agung Pangestu Jakarta Global University
  • Sri Riani International Women University



Cyber-bioinformatics, DNA analysis, Forensic DNA, Forensic photography, Genomic data privacy


Forensics has become an essential part of the disclosure of criminal evidence. A bioinformatics approach in the form of DNA forensics and digital forensics can be a good combination in disclosing digital-based criminal evidence. This study explains how the role of bioinformatics through the digital approach can be a means of forming new approaches in integration with digital forensics, called cyber-bioinformatics. Despite many hopes and challenges ahead, it does not rule out the possibility of criminal cases related to the privacy of human genomic data, so it proposes a new hypothesis, “cyber-bioinformatics.” The role of cyber-bioinformatics is very central in this regard.


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