Pelabelan Total Titik Ajaib Pada Graf Tangga


  • Riandy Fauzi Manik Universitas Negeri Medan
  • Marlina Setia Sinaga Universitas Negeri Medan



Ladder graphs L_(4,4 )and〖 L〗_(8,8 ), magic total dot labeling, modified square matrix, durer method


The labeling of a graph is a mapping that pairs the elements in the graph into positive integers. In this thesis, it discusses how the magic total point labeling algorithm on the  ladder graph and the  ladder graph and how the magic total point labeling on the  ladder graph and the adder graph uses the magic square matrix modification using the durer method. Where the elements of the result of this magic square matrix modification will be used as point labels on the  ladder graph and the ladder graph. 


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How to Cite

Riandy Fauzi Manik, & Marlina Setia Sinaga. (2023). Pelabelan Total Titik Ajaib Pada Graf Tangga. JURNAL RISET RUMPUN MATEMATIKA DAN ILMU PENGETAHUAN ALAM, 2(2), 147–161.