Model of Binary Logistic Regression to Predict Mental Health in College Students


  • Yulis Indriyani Program Studi Kesehatan Masyarakat Universitas Pekalongan
  • Nur Susanti Prodi D3 Fisioterapi Universitas Pekalongan



Mental Health, Prediction, Binary Logistic Regression, SRQ-20


Indonesia is entering a critical period for mental health. Research results from the The Indonesia National Adolescent Mental Health Survey (2022), around 15,5 million Indonesian teenagers experience mental health disorders. Students are part of late adolescence and are vulnerable to mental disorders. The binary logistic regression model is used to examine in more depth what variables have a significant effect. So, this research aims to predict mental health of students in the Faculty of Health Sciences, Pekalongan University. This type of research is observasional with a cross-sectinal design. Data were collected using the SRQ-20 via the Google Form platform using simple random sampling of 186 students. There were 130 students who indicated mental health disordes (69,9%). Simultaneously age, gender, major, semester level, mother’s educational level, father’s educational level, social support and dependence on using smartphone influence student’s mental health status (P Value<0,05). Even though only a few variables were partially significant, the precision percentage of the model that could be predicted correctly was 71,5%. The accuracy of the predicted model is quite good, namely student mental health status (y) = -3,720 + 2,403 (Major) – 1,980 (Mother’s Educational Level) + 1,444 (Father’s Educational Level) + 0,888 (Dependence on using Smartphone). Promotive and preventive interventions such as further screening and education to support student’s healthy mental health.




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How to Cite

Indriyani, Y., & Nur Susanti. (2023). Model of Binary Logistic Regression to Predict Mental Health in College Students. Journal of Educational Innovation and Public Health, 2(1), 270–281.